Soul Renewal & Joy Restore Program
Self Paced Custom Month-to-month Inner Explorative, Transformational Program
Service Description
Do you feel like something is missing from your life? Is joy a completely foreign word to you or something you once felt but have somewhat forgotten how to feel? What about the child-you do you miss? What if you could revisit her and learn from her how to be more fully yourself again? What if you dressed the wounds of your past to discover your inner child is resilient and a magnet for joy, that joy is a birthright that comes naturally to the healthy child within you? This is all so very possible, so very in reach for you no matter what experiences life has introduced into your being over your life span. It can be dirty work, but nothing the nurturing parent energy in you can't handle. We all get muddy at times. The truth is that miracles are made out of mud, and you are one of those miracles. While you can do this on your own, it feels better to have support. Pamela is a mentor passionate about being that support and gentle guide when you feel you need it. She is a C-IAYT certified Yoga (aka Holistic & Natural) Therapist and Multi-Certified Life Coach with Holy Spirit led Spiritual Healing Training, so she can offer you a blended approach as you desire and need. This is a self-paced program designed to take 6 months to a year. However, you take it month by month and may cancel at any time after the third month or go to a discounted per session rate at that time in order to lessen the frequency of your sessions. When purchasing you will be scheduling a Free Intro Call 1-1 to discuss your needs. Package sessions may be in person in Redding, CA or virtual. Sliding scale is available for those willing to show documentation when applying for it; please only select the Hearts in Need Package if you need financial assistance.
Cancellation Policy
Please contact us to cancel or reschedule at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.
Contact Details
(804) 833-6691
"May all beings be happy, healthy and whole. May we each see the light, the truth of our connected nature, the unconditional love that is our glue, our infinite source and creator of all we are intended to become as we blossom, open like the lotus, as we transform like butterflies. May we each be fully aware of each moment of infinite opportunity, of each breath we are blessed to take in that moment, connecting us to the air we all receive and give, the love that keeps us alive, the love that lives on and on forever after every breath that ceases. May we each awake every day grateful and thankful for the opportunity to live and learn, to journey here, for this beautiful creation, this art, of which we are a unique and priceless part. Namaste." -Pamela, Thriving Lotus
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